Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I saw an article today morning in Yahoo! about companies wanting to hire more "Green Techies". My colleague in the next cabin and I were simultaneously googling "Green Techies" in our respective machines for more information(because Yahoo! News is blocked in office. Don't even get me started on that!). But again, simply put, green techies are people who know how to save energy. "anyone doing innovative things with computers and electronics to reduce energy use, reuse, and recycle."

And coincidentally, today Dinesh had commented today that I should change my blog's background colour. My dear anna/thambi...there is a reason why the background is black - energy saving!
And at this juncture... :-) *ta ra ta raaan* introducing to you(ok...if you already know it, feel free to wander away) BLACKLE- the energy saving search engine. For more information, go HERE beecaaz eet weeell bee plaigiarism if I cut and paste that here :P

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