This year we (Vedha- Vice President, Supri- Treasurer, Deepti & Sukanya- Joint Secretaries, and a bunch of other people who are blah blah) successfully(or so I wish to think) DID IT!
OLAP 08' saw over 15 colleges competing, which is a great deal according to our Principal, so that's good. But the teams were sad, and as always, LINK had better standard.
HCL gave us the overall sponsorship 35000!!! And totally, we got around Rs. 55000 sponsorship. Wow! So HCL INSISTED that they will bring judges for Paper presentation and debugging.... ;)
Trophies were a major disappointment, a few people fucked up the ordering of trophies and we ended up with lousy ones(compared to last year), but they were still decent, come on!
Rajiv replaced Raj anna for Ad zap, along with Thyagu Sir. And I would like to bestow Raj Anna with the choicest of swear words for not being able to make it. Rajiv wore shades inside the auditorium, and wrote, "Thanks for the juice!" in the visitors book. Typical him!
20th August was LINK. We came 2nd in ad zap which was the greatest disappointment ever in the recent times, because I thought we actually did a really good job. Kavitha ma'am, ex- English HOD was the judge, so cursing is curbed. We had a super cool topic- SPEAKERS. B.Sc CS 3rd years came first :(
In the afternoon, we went to Ethiraj College ad-zap (வேற என்ன வேலை?!?) and we actually thought we weren't all that great(These girls raised my BP, coming in at the LAST minute to Ethi!! DUH), but we came first. They gave us "quantitative aptitude" by RS Agarwal as prize. How thoughtful :p B.Sc CS(representing MOP day) came 2nd. So there's our revenge!!
We came first in Creative Singing(Again, lousy topic - Job sites, their uses and influence. The original song version will come later!)
And, BCA ROCKS!!! First in Debugging, Salad Programming, Paper presentation, Ship Wreck, Creative Singing, Technovate. Second in Ad zap, Technovate. Third in Poster Designing, Technovate, Ad Zap, Creative Singing. (Yeah, Technovate all three came to us! Ad zap, 2nd and 3rd is us, first years keeping up the ad zap tradition) But the biggest happiness is, we didn't place in Quiz, proving ourselves to be the most un-nerdy lot :) :)
Just wished Abilasha had been this good :(
yay! chip twisters!
I soooo wish I was there... I miss all the fun.... Good Ol days I say... We people used to walk in to check out good looking guys... :P We found none though... Commenting on people.. I really want to live it up all over again... *Sniff Sniff*
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