Everybody talks about friends... everybody, at least people who haven't made a family with a spouse and kids, keeps raving about friends. Which is what I'm going to do now too.
Friends... I dunno what I would do without them. They are the people who make me go upset, make me get angry...irritate me, fight with me, love me like crazy, take care of me, get stuff for me, well...just be there for me.
And, here's paying tribute to the cheerleaders of my life!
This idiot never remembered talking to me when we were both around 5-6 years of age. But I do. Well, I only remember running away from home whenever her dad's bike sound was heard...but yea, she didn't even remember that. But, she is one short term memory loss patient.
One vetti scene she is... buying only from Naidu Hall, getting one fast track watch whenever she feels like it, always trying to get someone from Bird Computers when her தண்ட system crashes, instead of taking help from dad...she keeps doing dumb stuff like this. But that's all hereditary and so, nobody can help it. But you see, long long ago, my mum brought me up to have an air around me, so even I was always trying to do stuff to impress people and show off. Thank heavens I'm out of that phase now!
Anyways, after we came back to the great Rajeswari Street, we just became the thickest of friends(FeviBond), whoever knows how! ANYTHING that happens in my life, I HAVE to let her know. I HAVE to. Dunno why, but yeah, thats the way I've become. ALL the people I know MUST know her. She's seen almost every person who means something to me. But that's never been the case with her. She forgets(or ignores) to tell me half the things that happen in her life, and I've hardly known any of her friends. Well, she doesn't have to, but I always wish she would. And, get this- she is the only person I've ever been(and I ever will be, I think) possessive about(well, a boyfriend doesn't count). But somehow I keep thinking she ignores me at times, and I get bloody pissed off with that. But well, me growing up everyday, so these days, I almost try to ignore it, almost, trust me, but never always. Sometimes this goes up my head, and gets me
irritated, I tend to yell at her for no apparent reason. Hmm... all said and done, Bhuvana will be Bhuvana, and I will always love her for what she is.
Any problem shared with her, becomes half. People say this in a lot of places, "sharing makes sadness half, and happiness double" but shit, It is REALLY true! at least with Bhuvana it is trueeee. She isn't someone who gives great advice, but she is a great listener. And she has this knack of saying the right things at the right time. And, we are the Harry Potter freaks!!! and nobody can do gossiping and vetti aratai better than the two of us. And also talk about yuck stuff... aah.. I can do it ONLY with Bhuvana. I can tell her/ask her anything without feeling stupid...and I think that's the best thing about knowing someone from childhood!
And the bad thing is, her sisters scribbling in my books...and she gives this
--> this stupid smile, and you can't even shout at her. And, she gave this same stupid look when she broke my Harry Potter CD also, and she's still getting me a replacement. Hmmm....
And half my books are with her. Half her stuff is with me. Aah..and this pighead is the laziest, second only to Mrudhula(more about her, later!) And her temper is the worst for miles! She is the wackiest, craziest, stupidest, funniest soul I've ever seen! And, she does something wrong, or something bad happens, அதை நாம சொல்லி காட்டினாலோ, இல்ல ஞாபக படுத்தினாலோ, அவ்ளோ தான். (Read +2 marks, fights that happen now and then, stuff that she does, which irritate me). She hates hearing it, and most likely, that she will deny it. So it is all-important to avoid that very bad mistake!
Now she's off to Ooty(sitting next to her lovable பாட்டி in the auto...HA HA HA), and all I know is I will miss her like hell! And that பன்னி will not even message regularly, leave alone a call.